If you are just beginning your job search, it is important to know the different ways to go about finding a job. Finding the next best job can take time and effort, and to get you started, we have provided a few tips to activate your job hunt.
Recognize that retained recruiters are not ‘in business’ to help you get a job or to help you get job interviews. Retained executive recruiters are hired to represent client companies and work on their behalf to fill their key leadership positions. It is important to note that retained recruiters represent client companies and only work on jobs that they have been hired to fill. Retained executive search firms typically focus on VP and C level roles, but some work on a broader range of roles that may include mid to senior level positions. Some agencies have a particular industry focus, so do your homework on the agency to see if they represent both the industries and types of roles you are qualified for. Check out the agency’s website with how they like to engage with active talent and follow their lead.
If you are looking for a recruiter to play a more active role in supporting your job search efforts, then you should look for a more sales-oriented ‘contingent fee’ recruiter who will ‘market’ you to companies with the goal to help you get in front of the right people at the right time. Contingent recruiters take on a higher volume of jobs, typically have less information, and are usually competing against other contingent firms and/or internal corporate recruiters. Many recruiters (retained and contingent) are specialized by industry or discipline, so you will get the most traction if your experience aligns appropriately. Most contingency firms tend to focus on early stage and mid-level roles, so be sure to check out the types of roles a particular agency focuses on.
While making contact with a few recruiters in your industry is a good start, it should only represent a small part of your overall strategy. Job search expert Merryn Roberts-Huntley advocates a balanced approach that includes:
Key things to cover with your LinkedIn profile are: have a professional-looking head shot, put a background image behind your head shot that speaks to your professional passion, write a great headline below your name, have an impactful ‘About’ section, and use keywords in your profile that help you show up in recruiter search results for the type of position you want. Keep the content for each experience to a few bullet points so it’s easy for a recruiter or hiring manager to skim your profile quickly and be able to understand your qualifications.
This could mean within your company, at industry events, or online. One of the biggest mistakes I see is people making is trying to set up 30 minutes coffee meetings. Busy people don’t have time for that especially not with someone they don’t know. Start by trying to get 5 minutes over the phone with someone and build from there. And use LinkedIn for virtual networking! Be sure to send personal notes with your connection requests and consider building a target list. Excel is an easy way to keep track of companies and people you want to build relationships with over time.
Start by identifying the exact companies and positions you are targeting and most qualified to perform. Staying focused on the long-game and how you can build relationships within those companies will put you in the right place at the right time with the right experience to compete for the role. Follow those companies on LinkedIn so you see when they post jobs. Create an excel file of your targeted companies, along with the direct URL to their job board, and make it a habit to check out the job listings on a weekly basis.
Whether you are actively or passively searching for a new role, we suggest starting with the end in mind. A comprehensive and thoughtful approach can help you land your dream job. As a resource, we recommend Merryn’s online course: How to Get the Job You Want: Resumes, Interviews, LinkedIn.