6 Easy Ways to Screw Up an Interview

Interview Tips That Will Get You The Job

In many cases, the person who gets the job is the one who interviews the best. Over the years, we have interviewed thousands of people and gathered candidate feedback from loads of hiring managers.  In our opinion, here are the 6 biggest interviewing mistakes people make.

1. Trying too hard.

It is likely that you are really excited about the interview, but interviewers sometimes view an eager candidate as a desperate candidate. We aren’t sure why, but we have seen the desperate vibe have the same effect as bug repellant. Remember that the reason why you are interviewing there in the first place is that you have experience that is of interest and value to the company. Pump yourself up by making a list of all of the reasons why the company would be lucky to have you as an employee. Put the list in your pocket and remember that it is there to help keep you from being over eager. Be sure to follow up after the interview with a nice email or card, but keep it relatively short without being too over confident.

2. Failure to prepare.

There is no excuse for not being prepared for an interview. Start with research on the web and make sure to connect with any contacts that might be able to provide you with additional insight. Go to the company website and read all of their press releases and financial information if it is available. Try to understand as much as you can about the history, values, business strategy, products, customers, and partners. Read the position description and review the profiles of employees on LinkedIn to learn more about how roles are defined within the organization. If not prepared, an interviewer may assume that you are not interested, not organized, or not smart.

3. Not knowing your weaknesses.

It is refreshing when someone can comfortably articulate what he or she doesn’t know. For some reason, certain candidates think that they have to be knowledgeable about everything they are asked. Do not stretch the truth, gloss over a topic, give a generic answer, lie, or avoid the question. A skilled interviewer will recognize your game and it can be a deal breaker. Instead, be ready to talk about how you’ve learned from mistakes, or when you’ve been asked to do something you aren’t sure how to do, how you went about building that capability or finding the best person to bring alongside you.

4. Being boring.

If you are starting to see signs that the interviewer is daydreaming, clock watching, or falling asleep, then you may be in violation. To be interesting you must first be interested. If you are interested in them, they will be interested in you. Share examples of your experience in the form of stories to help interviewers visualize you doing your job and demonstrating your competency. Know the key points about you that you want the interviewer to walk away with, and be clear and concise in your delivery.

5. Friendly too fast.

The line between professional relationships and friendship continue to blur. An interview is serious business. If you are thinking about sharing some tidbit of personal information, but hesitate because you are unsure if it is appropriate – stop yourself, bite your lip, and keep your mouth shut. It’s okay to be personal, friendly, or funny, but always keep it professional.

6. Negative comments.

It does not matter how much you hated your last job or last boss, just keep it to yourself. If you can’t be positive, be neutral. You can express reasons why you are motivated to make a change, but do not bad mouth your current or previous employer or coworkers. If you do, one might assume that you are part of the problem. A positive attitude and approach to work can make the difference between success and failure. Don’t underestimate the power of being able to rise above.